Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Vol.2 Chapter 31

Vol.2 Chapter 31

As the casters announced the start of the match, the screen immediately switched to the virtual reality arena designed to replicate the Roman Colosseum. The VR technology brilliantly recreates the grandeur and the imposing presence of this iconic structure, making the experience incredibly immersive and realistic.

The arena, much like the original Colosseum, is a vast, oval-shaped sandpit, providing a flexible battleground for the competitors. The sand, despite being a digital creation, appears incredibly lifelike, with each grain seeming to glisten under the virtual sunlight.

Towering around the arena are the tiers of seating, rising high and mirroring the grandeur of the Roman amphitheater where rows and rows of the crowd are cheering for the participants, which completely replicates the sound of the real-world stadium’s noise. A truly mind-blowing use of advanced technology.

The atmosphere in the VR Colosseum is electric, with the cheers, jeers, and roars of the virtual crowd echoing off the digital stone walls. The sound design is so realistic, so much so that it's easy to forget that I am only watching a virtual world.

At both ends of the arena, the grand entrance is brilliantly recreated, allowing competitors to make a dramatic entrance into the battleground, just like the gladiators of old.

The cheers redoubled when both participants stepped into the arena coming from both sides of the grand entrance.


HP: 100%



HP: 100%


“Who do you think would win?” Liz, who was seated next to me, asked with interest.

"Skill-wise, both players are probably on an even match, but Arthur might have a minor edge," I responded succinctly.

"Why is that?"

"It's largely due to their choice of weapons. Arthur wields a sword, which tends to be quicker and generally performs better in one-on-one combat. As opposed to Draven's choice of a great sword which deals a greater amount of damage and is beneficial for crowd control, but it comes with the trade-off of slower attack speed," I explained as I helpfully could.

“I see… I hope Arthur wins.”

I share her hopes as well. My interaction with Draven was far from pleasant, making it challenging for me to support him.

“Yeah, I hope that guy gets the beating of his life!” Clarence shared both of our sentiments, owing obviously to his previous run-in with the guy.




Match Start!

The in-game announcement made the call, signaling the start of the battle. However, both participants did not immediately charge at each other.

“Oh, what is this?! It seems both participants are eying each other, looking for a weakness or gap to target,” the caster voiced out his thoughts to the crowd.

Hmm, it doesn’t seem like it though, both of them probably just want to say something to each other.

As if on cue, Draven started a conversation.

“How about we fight with the ‘honor and fairness’ you guys love to preach about? No weapon skills, and let us settle this with our own skill instead,” Draven made an absurd suggestion.

I understand the logic behind Draven’s actions. Arthur’s weapon skill, especially when wielded by him, becomes extraordinarily lethal. But surely Arthur is aware of Draven's intent and will not let his advantage in terms of weapon skill slip away... will he?

"Fine by me, I accept your challenge," Arthur responded confidently, showing his trust in his own skills.

I sighed, I guess not.

“Oh, looks like we have a gentleman’s agreement over here!” the caster hollered, hyping up the crowd even more.

“Hehe, I guess you’re not a coward after all. To tell you the truth, I was hoping to fight your teammate to get back at her, but I guess beating you to a pulp is also fine,” Draven made a condescending sneer which elicited an even louder reaction from the crowd.

I tuned out all the extraneous noise, limiting my focus to the actions of the two players in the match and to my internal analysis. This included filtering out the commentary of the match casters. While their insights may be of value to new or average players, they can become a distraction when I'm attempting to scrutinize the movements and gameplay of my prospective opponents. The victor of the match playing out between these two will be our team's next adversary. Therefore, I must gather as much information and insight as possible about their movement patterns to help our team win our next match.

"I understand. I must admit that my teammate displayed an excessive use of force, and for that, I apologize. I had hoped that both of you could have found a way to resolve the situation peacefully through communication. Nevertheless, I want to make it clear that I do not appreciate you targeting one of my teammates and I believe that your unrestrained actions have brought this upon yourself," Arthur replied in response.

“Hmph! I would not have paid attention to that bitch if she didn't meddle with the affairs of another.”

“I think my teammate's actions were justified. Intervening to prevent your erratic behavior, particularly when influenced by alcohol, was the appropriate course of action. However, I hoped she would have just notified the staff first before taking drastic measures to resolve the matter peacefully,” Arthur continued with his respectful attitude, making his opponent even more peeved.

“Again with your hypocritical attitude! Goody two shoes like you guys trying to ‘help others’ really piss me off!”

Growing increasingly agitated, Draven finally launched an attack. He swiftly charged towards Arthur, wielding his massive great sword with the skill and proficiency of an experienced heavy weapon user. Arthur, in an attempt to defend himself, tried to block the incoming strike. However, the sheer force behind Draven's blow caught him off guard, shattering his stance and leaving him vulnerable. Seizing the opportunity, Draven skillfully utilized the momentum from his swing to launch another attack, effectively landing a hit on his opponent and sending Arthur flying by the sheer impact alone.

“Guh!” Arthur let out a cry.


HP: 68%

Ooof! He took a strong blow there. A great sword’s damage is really nothing to scoff at, huh? Draven also seems like a strength-oriented build with how far Arthur flew with just a single attack.

“Hypocrite, you say? You might think of us that way, but I disagree. I truly believe that it is our responsibility to help others and make the world a better place.”

"Make that world a better place?" Draven scoffed at Arthur’s words. "Do you even hear how ridiculous you sound!? Our society is already fucked up. We live in an era where greed is commonplace, the rich take advantage of the poor to get richer, and the norm is to use each other for their own benefit! Why would anyone care about making the world a ‘better place’ if society doesn't even care about anyone but their own selfish interests?! How on earth can you possibly even make a world this fucked up a ‘better place’?!”

Using his anger as fuel, Draven rushed towards his opponent and unleashed a powerful overhead strike. Arthur managed to evade the direct impact. However, probably because of the distraction caused by Draven’s words, the force of the swing resulted in a glancing blow, grazing Arthur's side. The sound of the sword grazing against Arthur's armor echoed through the arena with a distinct scraping noise, capturing the attention of spectators.




HP: 41%

Seeking some breathing room, Arthur distanced himself from Draven, creating a slight gap between them. Surprisingly, Draven chose not to capitalize on his advantage, seemingly opting to prolong the match and possibly revel in his dominance.

“What’s the matter? Is that all you got? How pathetic,” Draven taunted.

While his personality is indeed uncivilized, I must admit he has the skills to back it up.

Arthur ignored the taunt, focusing on Draven’s earlier words. “...I disagree with your shortsighted views. You blame everything else but yourself without even acknowledging your own shortcomings. Even though you don't have the power to change the world, you have control over yourself and your own actions. And if enough people change themselves for the better and help each other, then the world will inevitably change for the better too... that is what I truly think.”

Draven paused as if caught off guard by the rebuttal.

“Helping each other? Do you think everyone has the luxury of doing so?! Sure, some help others, but that is just because they have the means to do so! A person dying of hunger will never give their food away to someone just for the heck of it! Everyone prioritizes their selves first and foremost! You're an entitled piece of shit to think everyone has the means to help others like you have!?”

I see. So that is his perspective in life. After the incident at the dining hall, I took the initiative to delve into his background. It appears that Draven grew up as an orphan due to the loss of his parents. It is possible that his upbringing and the environment he was raised in have shaped his beliefs and led him to make such statements. Even if his skewed views do not necessarily apply to all walks of life.

Draven rushed towards Arthur again with an overhead swing but was countered by Arthur with a perfectly timed block, negating the strength of the blow with pure tenacity and willpower. The clash of their weapons sent a resounding echo reverberating throughout the virtual arena, causing a temporary pause in their intense battle. Both participants exerted their strength, pushing against each other with their swords in an attempt to gain the upper hand. It was during this momentary lull that Arthur seized the opportunity to convey his thoughts.

“That is where you’re wrong!” Arthur exclaimed. “There are parents who dedicate themselves wholeheartedly to their children. Children who give their all to help their parents. Lovers who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for their partners. Close friends who offer unwavering support in times of desperate need, even if it means having little left for themselves. Some people are still willing to give their all for the sake of those they hold dear. The act of helping someone and devoting oneself to their well-being for me, brings the greatest joy anyone could ever experience. And, knowing that the person you have assisted will also spread kindness and positivity to others makes all your efforts and actions truly feel worthwhile!”

With fierce determination, Arthur pressed against Draven's sword, forcing him off balance. Seizing the opportunity, Arthur swiftly delivered two precise slashes that landed with absolute accuracy.

“Ack! Bastard!” Draven exclaimed while distancing himself from his opponent.


HP: 56%

…Is it just me, or does the one winning the debate also seem like the one doing damage to their opponent’s HP? It's as if they have some sort of psychological boost or advantage after delivering their arguments or something. Still, it seems they are both DPS-oriented builds since both lack survivability evidenced by their low HP. I can make a strategy suited for both of them with this info.

“That's a load of bullshit! Do you know why I became famous as a streamer? It's because people love negativity! That's the true nature of people! People hate each other in their core! Even though people say they hate what I do, they still watch my streams nevertheless because they cannot change their nature! People love chaos and negativity! They want to see others get hurt or humiliated, aside from themselves! A true mark of human selfishness!” Draven, overwhelmed by anger, directed his emotions towards his opponent, launching a charged attack with all his emotions fueling his aggression.

As Draven swung his massive great sword, Arthur anticipated the trajectory of the swing, using his agility to dodge and weave past the powerful strike. He waited for the perfect moment, a split-second opening, and with a swift movement, he lunged forward, his sword slicing through the air, hitting Draven in his chest.


HP: 38%

“You're just one side of the spectrum! Not everyone is like you! There are others who live for the sake of helping people and are rewarded for their selfless efforts. Even if their actions may not bring them immediate personal gain, they find fulfillment in what they do, which holds greater value than any materialistic desires could ever hope to achieve!” Arthur proclaimed while distancing himself from his opponent before continuing. “Let me ask you this. Do you find satisfaction in deliberately tarnishing your reputation through your actions? Is it your desire to be remembered as a troublesome individual? Is this truly the path you wish to follow with your life?”

"Shut up, you piece of shit! You just irritate me to no end! You're preaching to the wrong audience! I don't give a damn about what you or anyone else thinks of me! I do whatever the hell I want because I'm not weak like you, desperate to impress others with false kindness!" Draven retorted in anger.

"Is that really true, though? From where I stand, it seems like you're simply running away! It's human nature to seek validation from others. I firmly believe that you're closing yourself off and refusing to open your heart to others out of fear of getting hurt. In doing so, you're adopting the role of an unfeeling villain that you portray yourself to be," Arthur countered.

“I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Fueled by his anger, Draven again launched an aggressive attack on his opponent.

It appears that Arthur struck a nerve with his words, evoking a strong reaction from Draven. Lacking any tactical sense, Draven's attack was easily blocked by Arthur, resulting in their swords colliding once again. This created a momentary pause in the battle as both fighters sought to overpower each other.

"You called me weak earlier, but aren't you the weaker one here?" Arthur suddenly questioned just as their swords clashed.

Draven reacted with disbelief, "What bullshit are you spouting now?!"

“You said it yourself: the world is full of negative things, but that... there is no reason to give up on changing it! Knowing that something is not right but still gathering the courage to change it for the better takes much more strength and bravery than just accepting and ignoring the injustice! You're just making excuses for yourself, justifying your behavior towards others because you lack the resolve to do better! You're the weaker one between us two!” With that statement, Arthur distanced himself slightly, preparing for a precise stab towards his opponent.

Distracted by Arthur’s use of the forbidden moral talk technique, Draven failed to dodge the attack aimed at his head.



Hp: 0%

“Look, I'm here for you if you ever need someone to talk to with differing views. Being stuck in one single perspective in life, an echo chamber of your own values, cannot be good for anyone. And perhaps, one day, we could find common ground and even become good friends… if you are open to it."

What the heck!? He's acting like some kind of Shounen anime protagonist trying to befriend the villain he just defeated!

Without another word, Draven dissipated into shimmering blue motes of light, signifying the conclusion of the battle.

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