The Fake Heiress's Inner Thoughts Were Heard by Her Entire Family

Chapter 227

Chapter 227

After Shen Xi walked away, Jing Yi finally spoke up, her tone sharp. "What are you doing here?"

Shen Qi An's lips curled into an eerie smile. "Didn't I just say it? I came to visit my aunt. She's not just Shen Huaichu's aunt, you know." His hands clenched tightly at his sides, as if suppressing something.

Jing Yi didn't respond further. She could guess Shen Qi An's intentions—was he trying to use Shen Tu to bring down Shen Huaichu? How naive. Such a simple plan could go wrong, and yet he took on so much.

Standing still, Jing Yi's expression remained calm, though inwardly she was ranting about Shen Huaichu.

Seeing that Jing Yi had nothing more to say, Shen Qi An felt a pang of frustration. "Don't you want to ask me anything else?" He prodded, remembering her curiosity earlier.

Jing Yi clicked her tongue. "Gu Lin said not to trust anything you say, so you should just say less, and I'll listen less."

Shen Qi An's smile faded, replaced by a dark scowl. "You really trust him that much?"

Jing Yi feigned ignorance. "Who? Gu Lin? Well, he's a friend, and I've only met you twice. No reason not to trust him."

Shen Qi An's face darkened with a hint of malevolence, but then he suddenly laughed. "Speaking of which, it's been a while since he came to see me. What's he been up to? Watching your competitions?"

Jing Yi's lips curved into a smile, though her eyes remained cold. "I don't know. When he visits you next, you can ask him." After all, she was curious too about what he was up to.

Shen Qi An seemed intrigued, leaning slightly forward. "Have you taken him racing? I've always wanted to take him, but I think he's only good enough for a sports car."

Jing Yi's expression instantly turned icy.

Shen Qi An continued describing the scene of taking Shen Huaichu for a ride, his voice brimming with unbridled excitement. "Back then, he was trembling so much, curled up in the backseat. It's a pity, though. I've always fantasized about taking him racing. I had planned to arrange some races, but they never happened. You have no idea how entertaining it would have been..."

Before he could finish, Jing Yi strode over, shoving past the security guards and landing a punch squarely on Shen Qi An's face.

The surrounding guards stepped back in shock. Shen Xi and the other person noticed the commotion and hurried over.

Shen Qi An, apparently caught off guard, touched his nose and stared at the blood on his hand, stunned.

Jing ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​‍Yi crouched in front of him, her face expressionless. "Didn't I tell you to say less? Can't you understand human speech?"

Shen Qi An licked his molars, wiping away the blood from his nose. The madness in his eyes intensified. "So it's mutual, huh? I thought it was just Shen Huaichu's one-sided obsession. Guess he really got lucky, hahaha!"

The thought seemed to amuse him greatly.

After laughing, Shen Qi An calmed down, though the madness in his eyes remained. "Mutual feelings are good. Very good. That's how I can feel at ease telling you about Shen Huaichu, before the people he sent arrive."

Jing Yi's expression shifted slightly, her body tensing as she continued to watch him.

"Mr. Chen, take Shen Xi to rest!"

Chen Yisi glanced at Jing Yi, who was still crouched on the ground, then led the worried Shen Xi away again.

Shen Qi An didn't seem to care and continued speaking. "You know about my parents, right? The ones who killed Shen Huaichu's parents. His uncle and aunt. My aunt probably thinks Shen Huaichu just sent them to prison. But that's not the case at all!"

He spoke mysteriously, his tone growing increasingly bizarre.

"Do you know why I'm out here? Because Shen Huaichu said that as long as I'm out here, they have a chance to live. Do you know what that means?

"It means they dare not die, no matter what kind of torture they endure!

"Only my presence ensures that!"

His excitement grew with each word. "Last time, I skipped a visit because I couldn't bear it. He's too cruel! Those are my parents! How could I watch them suffer? So I didn't go, and you know what happened?"

His smile grew even more twisted. "Their hands are gone! Can you imagine? Last time I saw them, they were fine, and then their hands were just... gone!"

"So, what do you think of Shen Huaichu? What do you think of him?"

His voice was urgent, his eyes burning with curiosity.

Jing Yi stared at the nearly deranged man for a moment, then sighed lightly. "Shen Qi An, you've got the wrong idea. I'm not some rich heiress or a saintly heroine."

Shen Qi An's smile froze, his eyes flickering with anxiety and frustration.

"You don't believe me?! You can check! The Jing Family has so much influence! You could find out with just a simple inquiry!"

Jing Yi shook her head in helplessness.

"You're just hoping I'll think he's cruel and cold-hearted. But even if they were blood relatives, or even enemies, his methods are a bit extreme..."

She paused, then continued, "But Shen Qi An, your parents killed his parents, and you've bullied him for over a decade."

"Tit for tat, that's all."

She wasn't exactly a saint herself. Accidents, bullying—those needed to be repaid. Otherwise, why endure so many years of abuse?

When you have the power, you take your revenge.

Shen Qi An's expression twisted, his eyes bloodshot.

"Tit for tat?! Why?! It's been over twenty years! I begged him to let me go, to let them go, but he wouldn't! He wouldn't!"

His voice cracked with desperation.

"Tit for tat? Why not just take their lives? Why go this far?!"Nôv(el)B\\jnn

Shen Qi An's voice was hoarse with anguish.

Jing Yi remained calm. "If I'm not mistaken, the key to this plan is you. As long as he can't use you as leverage, and since you don't want them to suffer..."

Before she could finish, Shen Qi An immediately retorted, "Why should I pay?! They're dead, but I'm still young! I'm still young!"

His eyes, red and filled with malice, burned with hatred.

Jing Yi smiled, though it was a test. She was a well-behaved person, after all, and wouldn't have such dangerous thoughts.

She didn't say anything more, her gaze only deepening Shen Qi An's sense of humiliation.

"Are you done?"

Shen Qi An lowered his head, silent, his thoughts unclear.

Jing Yi stood up, stretching lazily.

"If you're done, you can take out the knife you've been hiding."

She had noticed it earlier, tucked into his pocket, not caring if it pricked him.

At these words, Shen Qi An's face turned pale. He turned and pressed himself against the wall, pulling out the knife and waving it wildly.

"Stay back! Or I'll kill you all! Stay back!"

The security guards, a step behind, held their batons, cautiously watching Shen Qi An's knife.

"Miss Jing! Miss Jing! Get behind us!"

They remembered she was a friend of Gu Lin's and couldn't let her get hurt!

Jing Yi sighed in helplessness. She had allowed him to take out the knife because she was confident. Otherwise, letting it stay in his pocket would be like carrying a ticking bomb.

She found an angle and prepared to kick Shen Qi An.

But someone beat her to it.

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