Chapter 25: 25 : Royal Delivery

"Thief… He is a thief." A loud murmur followed among the onlookers. One by one, the items belonging to the hotel room continued to fall from the bamboo bag of Gus.

Peter, who passed the judgmt earlier, was stunned for a second with a wide, op mouth. All the hotel staff stood on one side, stuck to the g. Lucy, who countered this type of situation for the first time in her life, stared at the sce with an unbelievable gaze.

Gus directly fell flat on the floor, and his face was covered with two palms. He already accepted his fate, as it is too late to change anything.

Kt ignored the falling items from Gus's bamboo bag. He picked up the falling glass orb and tossed the bamboo bag on Gus.

Before oping the picture gallery, Kt took out his sky orb and activated hand-free mode after setting up the angle. Immediately, the sky orb began hovering beside Kt's shoulder, and the video recording function activated automatically.

Kt's fingers moved on the glass orb of Gus, and he oped the picture gallery with a click.


A picture of a lady's ass in a squatting position is displayed on the orb, and the lady wore a bikini that slipped to one side.




A hush fell over the crowd as they recognized the person's image. As Mona is wearing the same-model bikini, everyone's eyes move onto Mona with a loud murmur.

"No, that's not me." Mona shouted loudly and tried to leap towards Kt to snatch the glass orb. But Peter pulled her back onto the floor.

With a smirk, Kt swiped the picture, one by one pictures displayed on the orb. Kt is not prest in a single picture. Finally, the pictures, where they ordered food, display images of the old servant in the pool area.

Few people among the crowd already began recording the sce to boast about this situation in their work forums and frids' groups.

Lucy Grey felt a head ache while staring at the pictures. In these two minutes, she stared at ough perverted pictures, which made her go insane. She thought of kicking Gus with her high heel.

The close pictures of Mona and Lina in bikinis and in under water, group photos, and pictures tak during their eating all surfaced, providing ough evidce to prove Kt's innocce in the currt situation.

Finally, after swiping a group picture, the glass orb displayed the picture of a half-naked lady, and Kt immediately swiped it away and closed the picture gallery.

A disappointed sigh fell among the crowd as the free show was finally over. Kt tossed the glass orb to Lucy and stored his sky orb inside the bracelet.

"It seems like your hotel is functioning very efficitly. Process my bill... I want to leave this trash room." Kt said while staring at Lucy, the 6-year-old beauty who stood like a statue.

"What the hell? How can they ask him to leave the hotel?" A middle-aged lady muttered from the side.

"Yeah, he is the real victim here." Another one was added in a hushed tone. The murmurs followed, supporting Kt, as they all saw the real facts in the situation.

"Sir, I'm the heir of the Gray family, who own several businesses in this town. I will compsate you dearly for the inconvice you experice in my hotel. I'm really sorry. Please accept my apology." Lucy apologized in a heartfelt tone as she took a step forward toward Kt.

"Stop wasting my time. Please process the total bill. I want to vacate this hotel as soon as possible." Kt replied in a serious tone while avoiding eye contact with Lucy, who seemed to melt his heart with her looks.

"Sir, please list to me. Because of your actions of smashing wine bottles, we assume you are the culprit. As the truth is revealed, I will take the necessary action to punish these fellows.

In the meantime, I will arrange the best room for your stay on the top floor of my hotel. Also, please state your demands... I can compsate for any reasonable request." Lucy requested it in a plea with a guilty face.

Peter, who stood on one side, decided to take action as he couldn't see his loved one beg some other man.

Just as Peter took a step forward, a loud cry came from the back.

'Caw... Caw'

The crowd began running away from the room with fearful cries. Instantly, the large group fled from the sce, creating a wide path for the incoming guest.

Peter, who almost stood like a block at the trance, ran towards the side room to hide in tsion. Ev though he didn't know what was coming, the loud cries of people made him fearful.

Ev the hotel staff, servants, and Mona's group ran to the side walls in fear. Only Kt and Lucy stood in the cter, their gaze fixed on the trance door, where a black silhouette was stepping inside the room.

'Ahhh…. No…'

'Omg… No… Nooo… Go away…'

'Help… help… It's demon bird... help…'

The staff began crying out as they saw a black rav in the size of two adult humans walking slowly into the room.

Mona, who stood close to the trance, was crying with fear, and tears started rolling down her face.

But the Rav ignored everyone in its way and walked straight towards the cter of the room without ev looking at the crying onlookers.

Lucy Gray, who stood before Kt, stared at the rav with a fearful gaze. "How could this beast have tered the hotel? What happed to the restriction Yantra placed a the hotel?" Lucy's thoughts were running crazily as her resolve slowly seeped away.

A smile formed on Kt's face while he stared at the Rav, as he had already recognized it in first glance.

Out of instinct, Lucy took out a long sword from the storage ring and held it with both hands defsively. Just as she is hesitating about whether to take action or not, A hand fell on her shoulder.

Kt patted her shoulder with a calm face. "It came for me. Stop being a busy body and put that sword away." Kt said while staring into her eyes before taking a step forward.

As Kt moved forward, he came to a stop before the big Rav, which was staring at Kt from top to bottom with a scrutinising gaze.

Kt had already lost all the fear he felt initially... Kt extded his head and placed his palm before the Rav in a fridly gesture. Like kin who recognized its family, the big Rav bt its neck forward and caressed its head against his palm.

The onlookers, who ran away in fear, began gathering a to see what was going on. There is no bloodshed or killing, as they expected.

Peter, who struck the door of the side room, stared at the sce with wide, op eyes. "What the hell? I should have protected Lucy instead of hiding like a caveman." Peter muttered as he slowly approached Lucy from behind to reduce his shame.

While everyone was staring at Kt and the large Rav in surprise and fear, Kt inserted his hand and took out a small palm-sized square gold box from the Rav's inner pouch.


'Its Royal Delivery...'


Note: Thank You @bellajsuss @Voidkw @Sudheer_Reddy_680 for the Power Stones. TQ guys.

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