Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor's Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Chapter 647: Getting Drunk Late at Nigh

Chapter 647: Getting Drunk Late at Nigh


In the City of Mercenaries late at night.

Lan Caier was sitting alone at a restaurant and drinking alcohol sullenly.

She had intended to ask Ye Lingyue out. Unexpectedly, Ye Lingyue was nowhere to be found. Lan Caier had already got used to the fact that her younger sister would disappear from time to time. Then she just came out alone.

Beside her right hand was the Fire Red Dragon Whip Long Baobao made for her.

Long Baobao was young but sometimes acted sensibly like an adult. After finishing the weapon-making, he emphasized that Lan Caier must remember to show her gratitude to Yan Jiu.

Yan Jiu. These days, Lan Caier had been avoiding him deliberately.

Yesterday, when Ye Lingyue asked what she thought of Yan Jiu, Lan Caiers heart was in a turmoil.

In the very beginning, Lan Caier felt that she detested Yan Jiu. The sharp-tongued man was always mean to her.

But gradually, Lan Caier had come to realize that she thought of Yan Jiu more and more often.

She was no longer the young girl who had just seen the onset of puberty. She was already in her twenties.

She had showed great affection for Dao Ge and it was an unforgettable experience. She hurt a lot and never dared to love any man.

Now she had left her hometown and family. Her mother had said many times in the letters that she should find a good man, forget about the past and start a brand new life.

Forgetting about the past. She had already forgotten.

It was long since she thought of Dao Ge last time. Before, Dao Ge had been the only man occupying her mind. Gradually, in her dream at night would appear Yan Jius face that she both liked and hated.

But the mans ambiguous attitude put Lan Caier in great worries.

Yan Jiu was a good-looking and powerful man. How could such a man like her?

Lan Caier smiled bitterly and ordered another jar of spirits.

Little by little, a number of jars were piled on her table. Lan Caier could drink a lot in normal cases. Maybe it was because of her bad mood tonight that she felt a little drunk just after starting with the third jar.

At this time, several tipsy mercenary soldiers around walked over.

Hey, lovely girl, you are drinking all alone.

How about having fun with us?

Lan Caiers pretty face was red from the effect of alcohol. Having heard the noises that seemingly came from flies, she raised her head.

Get away. I am not available.

The soldiers were shocked by the ugly mark on Lan Caiers face in the beginning; but then they were attracted by the other side of her face and her nice figure. They did not leave but stepped even closer.

We have thought this is a beauty. But she turns out to be a ugly monster. After all, the other half face is nice and the figure is attractive. Come on! Have fun with us!

Two of them were about to drag Lan Caier away with force.

The waiter in the restaurant did not dare to make a sound. He would not interfere in such an affair.

There jumped out two beams of chilling light from Lan Caiers pretty eyes showing drunkenness. She gave a shout and then rolled out the spiritual whip in hand. There were raging flames and a stream of Yuan energy gushing out like the surging tides.

A crack of the whip rendered one soldier crying out. On his body appeared a scar as deep as a gully and even the bones were exposed.

Ugly monster, how dare you hurt us! Do you know who we are?

The soldiers shouted angrily.

They had thought they could take advantage of the girl. No one expected that she was as ferocious as a female tiger.

The woman was not weak in cultivation. Surprisingly, she was a warrior in the Reincarnation Realm. Moreover, the whip in her hand turned out to be an earth grade spiritual artifact.

An earth grade spiritual artifact. It could bring them more money than a whole year of tasks for mercenary soldiers.

Those soldiers were first attracted by Lan Caiers beauty and then coveted her spiritual artifact.

They were the old mercenary soldiers within the city and belonged to a legion called Greedy Wolf. Their head was a powerful man in the second realm of reincarnation and the others were in the first realm of reincarnation or Dayuan Dan Realm.

The woman is drunk now and cannot hold on any longer. She is poorer in cultivation than me and only relies on her spiritual artifact. Lets fight together and seize her artifact. Then we can get both the person and the treasure.

Thunder Fist. The head of Greedy Wolf threw a punch and ten crashes of thunder were targeted at Lan Caier.

Very soon, the other soldiers rushed forward.

Lan Caier was not sober and her reaction was slower than in normal cases.

She tried to sober up and span the whip in hand. Then there appeared a flame-like defensive circle around her.

The fists made at the flame-like defensive circle altogether. Instantly, there flew up a shower of sparks. Lan Caier body shook and someone launched a sneak attack from behind by hitting her on the back.

She felt something sweet in the throat. Then the fresh blood dripped from the corners of her mouth.

But Lan Caier showed no fear. She wiped the blood on her lips and instantly targeted her spiritual whip at the attacker.

With a crack, the earth grade spiritual whip directly tore into halves the warrior in the Dayuan Dan Realm.

Damned woman, how dare you hurt my brother! Lets go together!

Seeing that Lan Caier got injured, the members of Greedy Wolf immediately showed great fighting spirit. They shouted fiercely and dashed forward.

Lan Caiers hand holding the whip felt extremely cold.

Her consciousness was fading away. She tried to concentrate her Yuan energy. If this went on, she might fall into their hands.

The restaurant was already in a mess.

Everywhere were the remains of tables and chairs.

Lan Caier only felt that there were people all around. She was already besieged and had a slim chance of escaping.

Suddenly, she heard a roar. A burst of ferocious Yuan energy shook Heaven and earth and showed a thirst for blood from above.

Before the soldiers could figure out what was happening, a dozen of them were thrown out.

The head could hardly see the coming person and only felt his arm twisted by someone. With a scary fracturing sound, he was trampled underfoot like a sand bag.

If you dare to hurt her!

There was a strong thirst for blood. The coming persons angular features showed an uncontrollable rage.

Dao... Dao Ge of Drinking Blood. The head was nearly scared to death when seeing Dao Ge.

Hardly did he finish saying when he gave another loud cry. It turned out that his arm was directly broken by Dao Ge.

Dao Ge seemed to be immersed in a killing spree. He broke the limbs of the soldiers and then threw them out of the restaurant.

Dao Ge walked toward Lan Caier and frowned.

This was the restaurant that he and Bo Qing frequented.

He had intended to find Bo Qing. Unexpectedly, he found Lan Caier being bullied.

Seeing that she was surrounded and harassed, he could not help but rush forward.

How come she came out all alone?

The damned woman! Did not she know that it was extremely dangerous in the city at night? How could she drink all alone at this time?

Any normal woman would not drink so much like a man.

At least, Song Jingyun would not... But why did he care so much about the girl Lan Caier who was not tender, sensible or clever at all?

Dao Ge sighed. Then he moved forward to hold Lan Caier.

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