Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 498: Conscience

Chapter 498: Conscience

Xiang Ning arrived home and dragged his tired body out of the car. He saw his sister waiting for him outside and, as he approached her, she chuckled, Xiang Ning, did something happen between you and Fang Rou yesterday?

Xiang Ning raised his eyebrows. Who told you that?

You didnt come back at all last night. Who else would you spend the time with except Fang Rou? Its too easy! she giggled like a little fairy.

No, I mean who taught you about the world of adults? He smiled dangerously. If it was from a female friend it was fine, but if it was a boy.

He was as scary as Fang Hao.

Whatre you saying? I learned it from the television! And we have six couples in our class! She raised her hand and proved her innocence.

Xiang Ning thought about it and realized that it was indeed time for her to learn about sex. He would talk to Fang Rou later and have her educate his sister. It would be best for her to learn about it now so that she wouldnt be fooled later.

Dont learn from the television. Most of those shows are fake. Ill call Fang Rou, Lu Shiyu, and Liu Ruoxue to teach you.

Erm wouldnt that be awkward?

Nothing to be ashamed about. Its very important to learn this. Teachers rarely talk about it, too. Xiang Ning didnt once ignore her education. Hed thought about it for a long time and had come to the conclusion that he shouldnt be the one teaching her about sex. Fang Rou was still the best candidate to do so.

Xiang Xiaoyu nodded. Have you eaten breakfast?

Not yet.

Then come in and eat some. I just woke up and cooked.


Three months soon passed and the day to depart for the university arrived. Xiang Ning would be following the new cohort to report there.

Xiang Ning, Im currently on a mission and it seems that I wont be able to wrap it up in a month. But dont worry, I sent the information to you. Just follow the instructions and someone will be there to receive you.

Thank you for your help, Lu Zhenyu. Im at the train station now.

Sure. My sister will be enrolling too. Please take care of her. If any guys hit on her, make sure to send them flying!

Xiang Ning was speechless at the sudden change in the older mans personality.

Wait, sister?

Yeah. Youre friends with her, right? Shes Lu Shiyu.

Wait what?!

Haha, I knew youd be surprised. She hasnt forgotten the promise between us. Just ask her about it, I need to focus on the upcoming battle. See ya!

Xiang Ning looked at his communicator and wasnt sure how he should react. Lu Shiyu had left Marsh City a month before. She had said that she needed to return home and everyone sent her off. Who knew that she was actually enrolling in the university? Even more surprising was that she was Lu Zhenyus sister!

Xiang Ning. Xiang Ning! Whats wrong? The train is departing soon.

Xiang Ning turned and saw everyone he cared about was sending him off. Sorry, I was thinking about something. You can just send me off from here, no need to follow me. Looking around himself, he felt a sense of warmth radiating from his heart. Even Grandpa Director was there with some of the children.

Im sorry that I wasnt able to see you off the last time, so Im here now. Please take care of yourself! The director was so shocked by the news of Xiang Ning dying that he had actually grown older. In the past three months, Xiang Ning tried making it up to him by heading to the orphanage once every few days.

Thanks. Xiang Ning turned toward Fang Rou and his sister, the two people he was most reluctant to part ways with. Still, they had more or less gotten used to his absence, so they were fine with it. No one could truly be together all the time; everyone had their own goals to pursue.

For example, Li Zimo and Liu Ruoxue would enroll in the military academy after they graduated. Wu Rui had also received an invitation to the same university. All he needed to do was pass a series of tests over the next year. If everything went smoothly, Xiang Ning would be able to meet him then.

As for Fang Rou, she was leaving Marsh City as well. As for where she was going, she hadnt told him. She had only given him a hint that she would follow in his footsteps.

Xiang Ning left Marsh City once again, this time toward a new destination.


It took him three hours to arrive at Heavenly Star City. There was a plane waiting for them there, and Xiang Ning managed to get on the final flight heading to the university.

There were more than thirty students on the plane. Each and every one of them was tier five and roughly the same age as him. It could be said that all of them were geniuses.

Xiang Ning sat next to a pretty girl with long flowing hair. While he didnt recognize the brand of clothing she was wearing, it was exquisite. He, on the other hand, was wearing something simple.

Xiang Ning thought about how much he still didnt know about the university. He only knew what Lu Zhenyu had told him. He had tried searching the internet, but the information was nowhere to be found. He turned to the girl and asked, Hello! Do you know a lot about the university? Id like to learn more about it.

The girl was slightly confused by the question as she looked at him. Dont you know anything?

No, I dont.

Didnt you read the pamphlet? It contained all of the information you should know.

Oh I dont think I received one. There was a pamphlet?

Lu Zhenyu had originally wanted to pass it to him but was delayed by the battle. But he didnt think much about it, since Xiang Ning would know more as he entered the university.

The girl sitting beside him felt odd. Is he someone who enrolled using his familys connections? While the university only accepted geniuses, some larger families were able to provide a mountain of resources to force their children into tier five. Some of them even used their connections to get their children into the university.

The students who enrolled through the back door were scorned by everyone. The girl hailed from a family with a deep history in martial arts, similar to Wu Rui. Her father had graduated from the university, so she would know. Those who enrolled through their political connections always suffered there.

There were usually two outcomes. Either they were lucky and survived five years before graduating, or they died fighting a beast. It was no place for the weak,

Still, she passed the pamphlet to Xiang Ning. It was better that he knew what kind of place it was, and he would hopefully drop out if he had any conscience.

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

Lu Shiyu making her appearance!

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