Atelier Tanaka

Book 3: Chapter 1 (8)

Book 3: Chapter 1 (8)

Conflict 3

After requiring a substantial push, the conflict between the two countries seemed like it would finally end.

Drill-chan and the blonde loli concluded that continuing the conflict was no longer worth their time. After we return to Tricklis, Ester-chans father will be sent to hold the final negotiations with the Drill-chans country. His daughter was given control over a troublesome territory, so if theres something he can do to make it easier for her, Im sure he will.

Weve taken one big step closer to ending this conflict.

But something amazing is happening in front of me right now.

Something Im incredibly envious of.

Fahren-san, what are you doing?

w-well, this is.

Christina was lying on the ground while Sophia-chan, Ester-chan, and the noble mage all climbed on top of her. Is this some type of erotic play? Thats why I dont know why the noble mage is doing it. I also want to sit on the back of a little girl.

Well, this girl is Christina.

But she does look like a little girl.

Damn it.

Damn it.

I want the warmth of a young woman to permeate through me.

Are you not getting on? You could just fly yourself.

No, I wasnt planning on riding on top of you.

While she remained lying on the ground, Christina cast a terrifying gaze over me.

Ill have to miss out on this opportunity to ride a little girl.

Besides, with the way theyre sitting, Id have to straddle the noble mage the entire way back.

It doesnt matter, lets just get home quickly.

Ester-chan said this.

I can understand her impatience. Even if were in a fantasy world, not everyone would be as eager as me to sit down on the back of a young girl. I could see that all three of them were uncomfortable as they sat there.

It also seems like theyve grown closer since I last saw them.

I understand. You can follow me back to Tricklis.


what is it?

When responding to her, a strange aura began to surround Christina.

Do you really think you can fly faster than me, human?

I see.

Shes confident in her flying speed.

However, my flying magic is level 55.

I wonder if shed make good competition.

Its hard for me to imagine you being faster..

arent you being too overconfident?

My answer just fueled Christinas temper even more.

Youre too easy, Christina.

Sounds good. Youll regret ever challenging me to a battle in the sky.

No, this isnt a battle and I wasnt challenging you.

In the unlikely event that you somehow manage to arrive back at that town before me, I will clean your dirty scales with my tongue. Of course, when you actually arrive after me, you will have to clean every last one of my scales with your tongue.

I didnt even have time to respond to her.

The moment she finished speaking, Christinas loli body began to rise in the air.

It was an incredibly surreal sight. Three people were sitting on the back of a small girl as she slowly lifted into the air while doing a superman pose. They were all flying on the loli bus of the sky.

Lets go!

The loli dragon roared before flying forward at a tremendous speed.

I never even agreed to her challenge.


At the last second, I could see Sophia-chans teary face looking back at me as if she were pleading for me to help her.

Im not interested in cleaning that loli dragons scales. Im not interested in her at all.

Absolutely not.

P-Please wait!

I panicked before taking flight.

Im sure Sophia-chan will be fine with the noble mage and Ester-chan there.

Wa-Wait a minute! You there, wait a moment!

As soon as my feet left the ground, the voice of Drill-chan rang out from behind me.


Were coming with! It will be difficult to explain the castle if we just stay here! If we go with you, we can use the excuse that we were being held hostage by Ester-chan and the castle was destroyed while I was away.

I see! As expected of you, Master!

Fufu~n, praise me more!

I glanced behind me to see the long-haired man carrying Drill-chan as he flew through the sky. Hes holding her in a princess carry. Damn, Im envious of him. I also wanted to grab her chest and thighs as we fly.

With Christina already having a big lead on me, this was the start of our sky race.


[Sophia-chans point of view]

The Dragon is soso fast. The scenery was flying by us so fast I couldnt tell what we were passing. The whipping of the wind was blocked by some unforeseen magical barrier, but the sound caused by the roaring wind wasnt suppressed at all.

Im terrified.

Whenever the Dragon would suddenly rise or descend, Id feel on the verge of puking up what little I had in my stomach.

I feel like my life is in danger.

On our first few trips on the Dragon, she travelled at a more reasonable pace, nothing at all like this. I had prepared myself for something similar to that, but I assume due to Tanaka-sans challenge, the Dragon has gone into overdrive.

Sophie, you dont have to worry about being polite, hold on tight!

Eh? A-Ah, but.

If you dont, youll be thrown off!


Ester-sama turned to face me with a serious expression on her face.

Her eye was twitching.

Wonderful! This is the true extent of a dragons flying ability!

Fahren-sama was acting like his usual self.

Tch, does he think he can keep up with me.

The dragon we were flying on said this as she looked behind her. She seemed upset because Tanaka-san is coming up behind her.

Insolent human, eat this.

After a few more disgusted words, she pointed her arm in Tanaka-sans direction.

And released a fireball at him.

It was large enough to evaporate a full grown man.


In response, I could hear Tanaka-sans confused scream from behind us.

Everyone flying on the Dragon looked back at Tanaka-san. He had just managed to avoid the Dragons attack, but his hair had been burned slightly. Even still, he continued chasing after the Dragon and appeared to be keeping up with her. Maybe hes the type of person that really gets into competition.


What are these two doing?

Cant we just return home peacefully?

Why do they always have to fight?

Every time the dragon looked behind her to launch another fireball, it caused me to sway back-and-forth.

I couldnt stop myself from letting some leak out.

I cant take it anymore.

Please, I give up.

Tch, if you want to be like that, Ill have to get serious.

The Dragon began to accelerate even faster.

I can feel more about to come out.

The droplets of pee dribbled off the back of the dragon and fell from the sky to meet an unknown fate.

Hauu~! T-To-Too fast! Sl-SlowSlow down!

The hand I was using to hold onto Ester-sama slipped and I could feel myself slipping off the Dragons back.

Ah, is this where my life ends? At the very least, I wanted it to end in a better way than this.

My body is going to come crashing down to earth and that will be the end of my pathetic life. Ill probably be turned into nothing more than a fine paste. If thats going to happen, I wouldve at least have liked to mix it into a meal and feed it to Tanaka-san, but theres nothing I can do about it now but feel deep regret.

Woah, So-Sophie!

As I was ready to accept my fate, I could feel a strong grip wrap around my arm.

Pain ran down my arm at the same time as Ester-samas voice rang out. It seems she was able to grab me and kept me from falling off.

Stay focused!

Y-Yes! T-T-T-Thank you very much!

Ester-sama is kind.

Ester-sama is wonderful.

Ester-sama is a Goddess.

You can wrap your arms around my waist. Hold on tight!

Okay, I-I understand!

Dont just use your arms either! Tighten the grip you have with your legs as well.

Yes, Ill tighten! Ill do it!

Yes, just like that. Put your power into your waaaaaiiiisssttt~!


This is terrible.

Ester-sama and my own position on the Dragons back shifted dramatically.

It was a mistake to move my hand from her shoulders to her waist. My grip on her wasnt firm enough and I started to slip back off the Dragon.

The Dragon accelerated at the same time and this caused my legs to slip out from under me. My face was now pressed against the Dragons back and my legs were left flailing behind me. At the same time, Ester-sama had an accident.

A sour and warm liquid came flying into my open mouth as I was screaming. I instinctively swallowed causing the sour liquid to run down my throat.

I might vomit. Ester-sama doesnt taste good at all.

This proves it though.

I prefer to watch someone eating it rather than eat it myself.



Please, lets just return home.

I cant take any more than this.

Please. Somehow.


In the end, Christina won.

And she was more than happy to brag about it. Theres no doubt that a dragon is more skilled in the air than a human. However, I did overtake her at one point during the flight and I was also playing fair. If I increase my level a little more, I know Ill be able to beat her.

Its absolutely not because Im interested in the backside of a young girl no in cleaning the dirt scales of a dragon. Shes a terrible dragon. Shes a dragon that doesnt care about the feelings of anyone else. Id never be interested in the unclean hole of such an uncaring dragon.


Im definitely not interested in that bastard.

Rather than licking, Im the type of guy that wants to be licked.

Theres no point in lying to myself. Just by doing so, Im starting to cause myself stress.

I should just be honest with myself. Thats a much healthier way of living ones life.

So, did you see it!? That was my true power!

Yes, loli dragon, youre amazing.

She was showing a bright smile.

Her plump cheeks are really cute.

yeah, your flying ability is amazing.

Of course! A simple human could never compete with me!

But you did fire attack magic at me on the way.

Are you trying to come up with excuses? Prepare your tongue to clean my backside.


I dont want to lick it.

Shes cute but shes still that Dragon.

Shes cute but her personality is terrible.

Shes a cute young girl.

Young girl.

Damn it.


Damn it.



Little girl.

Fufun? Whats wrong? You look conflicted.

Its nothing.

By the way, weve now arrived back in Tricklis and were all currently in the courtyard of the lords castle. Besides the two of us, the others are all lying on the ground looking exhausted.

Even the noble mage had removed his cloak while he was sitting on the ground. The exhausted expression on his face actually gave him an appearance matching his age. Ester-chan was busy vomiting all over the courtyard.

Even on the airship, she was like this. Maybe she gets airsick easily. She was sweating profusely and her face was starting to turn blue.

Sophia-chans entire body was trembling. Its possible she had just finished vomiting. Everything about her, from her attire to her hair, was completely dishevelled.

She looked as if she wanted to rush to the bathroom but was too embarrassed to do so in front of everyone. She went through so much for me. I love her. I want to lick her instead. Her and Ester-chan would taste amazing.

Whats wrong? Are you in awe of the power of my wings?

you certainly are amazing. As expected of an Ancient Dragon.

Right!? You finally recognize my awesome power!? You admit it!? This is my true power!

Well, I can recognize the power of your wings.

just my wings?

Is that not good enough?

Whatever. Youll soon recognize how powerful everything about me is. Count on it!

I noticed this before but Christina is really desperate for approval.

I read somewhere that women like this are more likely to be lunatics.

Sure, whatever pleases you.

Fufu~, are you telling me I should become stronger?

why would you think that?

Dont think that Ive forgotten our first battle.


I dont care whether youve forgotten you annoying dragon.

Im doing my best to remain composed.

There are small differences in the distance between the anus and vagina of every woman. In general, there are anywhere between two and four centimetres of space between the two. These two holes will be henceforth referred to as superscript (V) and subscript (A).

Due to the location of the superscript, its generally hard for the male specimen to pierce the superscript from behind. And most men would have difficulties piercing the subscript from the more standard sexual positions.

That being said, these two holes that every man dreams about are located only centimetres apart, yet they may as well be worlds apart when the action starts. Now, when a tongue comes into play, its not beyond the realm of possibility that this aforementioned tongue may accidentally, of course, find its way into an unintended hole. No, with all the saliva and other liquids sloshing together, Id have to say its inevitable.

Today, the goal is to ingest the lolis sweet nectar.

I want her love juice inside me.

What are you talking about?

I asked this with a serious face.

It should be happening soon.

My tongue is growing hungry for the taste of the loli dragon.

Cunnilingus doesnt equal sex.

The loli dragons purity will be maintained.


Whats wrong?

Hurry up.

whatever. Im happy enough with this. Ill give you another chance to redeem yourself.



Wait a moment, you annoying dragon. Are you getting scared and backing out at the last moment?

I never thought someone like Christina would back down. But I cant ask her to let me do it. I want to do it. I want to bury my face in her backside and drink deeply of her love juice.

I want it in my mouth.

I want to swallow it.

I want to digest it.

It will turn into my blood and life force.

It will be the food I survive off of.

Yet somehow.

But never forget the fact that my wings are superior to yours!

S-Sure, I wont.

I dont even have any.

Damn it.

Damn it.

Its been a long time since Ive felt such horrible regret.

Is it because of my face? Its always because of my face.

Even though she let Ester-chan lick her.

Edita Sensei, please offer me your guidance.

Im feeling ill. I just want to rest in bed for the rest of the day.

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